425 Pleasant Street, Suite 101, Brockton, MA 02301 P. (508) 857-5618 F. (866) 918-7794 info@inspiredlearnings.com
Parent/Student Information and Guidelines
Our Mission:
Inspired Learning Center’s mission is to empower learners in STEM related fields. Our academic support team is trained to help learners defining proper learning strategies tailored to their cognitive abilities. We have experience working with students from a variety of backgrounds and with students on different levels of learning. Our conceptual approach to teaching helps those students to trade memorization for understanding and become independent learners.
Our Program:
Inspired Learning Center is an academic enrichment program provides registered students instructional classes designed to develop learning, independent thinking, and exploratory skills. Our academic support team is trained to help learners defining proper learning strategies tailored to their cognitive abilities.
The center offers year-round tutorial classes for students grades 4 thru college in 1-hour intervals Monday thru Friday, first sessions begin at 4:00pm and the last sessions begins at 7:30pm for the following topics:
Math & Science
- Statistics
- Developmental mathematics
- College algebra
- Calculus
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
Our center also offers on demand topics and test preparation services in small groups or individual settings. Topics include:
On Demand
- Anatomy & physiology
- Microbiology
- Accounting
- Finance
- English (writing & reading)
- Microsoft Office
Test Preparation
Inspired Learning Center is not a daycare / afterschool childcare facility and is not licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) or any other state agency as such.
Any students who wish to attend Inspired Learning Center’s tutorial classes or computer lab must be registered by a parent or legal guardian.
How to resister:
- Online at https://inspiredlearnings.com/summer-stem/registration-form/
- By telephone at 508-857-5618
- Or, in-person at 425 Pleasant Street, Suite 101, Brockton, MA 02301
Contact Information:
For general inquiries:
Email: info@inspiredlearnings.com
Prisca Sanon, President of Academic Affairs:
Email: psanon@inspiredlearnings.com
Cell: 508-577-1500
Mary Sullivan, Director of Marketing and Operations
Email: msullivan@inspiredlearnigs.com
Office: 508-857-5618
Each session is charged at $45.00/hr, due weekly. Discounts are applied to accounts with multiple children attending simultaneous sessions in the program at $50.00/session. Inspired Learning Center accepts cash, personal checks, and credit card payments. Credit card payments are subject to a 3.5% charge per transaction. Payment is due upon registration.
Student/Staff Safety Policies:
Sign In/Out Policy:
All students must be signed in and out with our office staff by signing first and last name on the daily registration sheet upon arrival and departure from our facility. Students should be signed in/out by a parent or authorized designee listed on registration form. It is important that students are signed out in a timely manner upon completion of their 1-hour tutorial session so as to not disrupt the sessions that follow.
As an exception, if a student is to be picked up by someone not listed on the registration form, the parent must provide our office notice prior to scheduled pick-up. This request, providing permission for alternate release to Inspired Learning Center staff, can be submitted by text, phone call, or email, along with information regarding the individual responsible for pick-up including first and last name, telephone number, and relationship to student.
Behavior Policy:
All students are expected to conduct themselves in a reasonable and respectful manner when interacting with staff, instructors, and other students. Inspired Learning Center has a zero-tolerance policy for violence, aggressive or offensive language, drug use, and/or other disruptive behaviors. Should a student be believed to have acted against this policy, staff will contact the parent and/or emergency contact listed on the registration form and request the student be signed-out immediately by parent, legal guardian, or designee. A parent, legal guardian, or designee may request a meeting with our staff regarding the incident and any actions taken by our staff. Thereafter, Inspired Learning Center reserves the right to suspend or cancel scheduled sessions without further consideration.
Parents/Guardians are responsible for transportation of students to and from scheduled classes. Inspired Learning Center does NOT provide transportation for students.
Food and beverages:
Our program does not provide students with food or beverages. Additionally, no opened snacks or beverage containers will be allowed in our computer lab space.